Learn about the art, craft, and science of roleplaying games!

“I want you to be a great Game Master!”


As a teacher of twenty years and a roleplayer of thirty, I’m proud to host a FREE, four-hour, online GAME MASTER WORKSHOP for SIX students. No matter what game you play, nor ruleset you prefer, I would like to help YOU become a better GAME MASTER!

Running a game is an art, a craft, and even a science and, like anything else, the skills to run RPGs can be taught, learned, measured and polished. We all bring something unique and important to the table, this class is designed to help YOU find your best style and approach -- not to simply imitate other game masters.

Be ready to practice!

This class will be one hundred percent interactive, and students should come prepared to discuss and debate techniques, as well as work cooperatively with myself and five other students to create model characters, scenarios and scenes.

The class size is limited to six students to ensure that each and every student gets a chance to fully participate, but should there be interest I'd be happy to run another one in the future.

Contact us.


Manufactured Myth & Legerdemain
Boston, Massachusetts