The Species of the Ringrealms of Vagevuur


The Appara’ti

Far beneath towering vertical cliffs populated by flocks of geissgruff, the biomechanical species known as the appara’ti live in immense, labyrinthine cities carved directly from the rocky foundations of the mountains of Bjerg. It is here that these thoughtful, mysterious creatures call home, and though they currently control only a portion of the outer ring (sharing the highest peaks of the Bjerg Mountains with the geissgruff and having lost a portion of it to the passengers through conflict), for better or worse they are an immensely influential people with great political and cultural weight across the Ringrealms.


The Passengers

Their wars had consumed them for so long, and to such an extent, that they hardly knew what they were fighting for anymore. It had started with a rift — an argument between two political parties about the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, and differing directions of diversity and change. There were insults, other political parties opined, and punches were thrown. The one thing that would unite them was their hatred and fear of those that were not their own, and so sides began blaming each other. Protests in the streets that led to civil unrest. The police and military were called in and, depending on whose account you believe, what happened next was either a military action, a coup, or an outright civil war.


The Synchronauts

Synchronauts, natives of Eyomirk, are a creature that exist simultaneously in the present, past and future. This lends them a perspective that can be equally confusing, wondrous, and infuriating to other creatures. Physically, they are delicately built creatures that are tall and thin in stature. Though their consciousness and minds are anchored in the present, they actually exist in a blurred reality somewhere between the past, present and future. This lends the body of the Synchronaut a mildly translucent appearance. Light passing through them exposes the workings of their innards, and their ghostly visage can be disconcerting to others, so when they leave their Sky Tree clusters Synchronauts often use their minds to bend shadow and light into patterns around them to hide their appearance.

…six other playable species…


The Geissgruff

The only creatures hardy enough to survive the thin atmosphere and sheer cliff faces of the mountains of Bjerg are the geissgruff, a race of bipedal, half-sized beings known for their extraordinary climbing ability, a childlike fascination with shiny gadgets and technology, and their absolute devotion to their flocks.

While geissgruff are generally known for being on the gentler end of the spectrum, a danger to one was a danger to all, and when defending the flock they could be ferocious. At the same time they displayed extraordinary humility and mercy, and were capable of astounding acts of kindness, even toward mortal enemies.


The Mar’shann

Information to come!

The Urtherr

Urtherrs occupy a very odd place in the Ringrealms of Vagevuur — at once they are hated by many for their self-centered, boisterous and often outright hubristic tendencies and yet still admired by others for their carefree, dashing, consequences-be-damned attitude. While they seem to think of themselves as a sociable, intelligent, inventive, and adaptable species, to the other races of the Ringrealms they are seen as physically fragile and emotionally unstable beings. They often do the things that others will not admit to wanting to do, and then seem to feel no shame for it. 


The Glitchen

Information to come!

The Tippet

Information to come!


The Stex

The Stex, intelligent creatures with sharp, angled bodies no thicker than a few centimeters but nearly ten feet tall, hibernate in plain sight on the bark of Vatn the World Vine, tapped into deposits of väsen just beneath the skin of the tree and feeding as they slumber.


..and a host of other creatures…